3 Major Chinese B2B Plateforms to Find Suppliers & Manufacturers in Chinese Language

You may ask, why the B2B websites in Chinese? How about the English websites of Chinese B2B platforms?

The reason is that only a very small part of Chinese business entities are listed in English and/or other languages visible to the world, but behind the language wall, there are much much more suppliers in China are only visible in Chinese.

China is offering the world with various products, from home bathroom to US military, the simpliest consumer commodities and also advanced electronic/heavy industry products.

Mostly people around the world gets Chinese products through local resellers, distributors and/or Chinese exporters. Think about it, a product made in a Chinese factory, sold to an exporting company, shipped to your country’s port, imported by a dealer, and sold to your hand, how much is the total mark up all the way throught these transactions?

Well, if you are a business entity that deals with Chinese products and if you speak some Chinese, you may find some of these B2B websites that are very useful to save you a bunch of money coz there are hundreds of thousands of hiden suppliers that are not seen by other countries, blocked by language.

NOTE: this artical is not about Chinese suppliers listed on English websites or other languages, but only in Chinese language.

1. www.1688.com

This website is the largest B2B platform in China, owned by Alibaba Group which is a giant internet service provider, and also has great influence in the world in many other fields, like online payment and online shopping. On this website, Chinese local factories, wholesalers and distributors of all kinds of products are listed, from shelf products that can be purchased just by a click of the mouse, to custom products made according to your detailed requirements of various aspects of any product directly with a original factory. There is online messenger for you to talk with the suppliers and also online payment to proceed the order via a secure transaction system like PayPal. If you feel any problem with the received products, you can issue a dispute and the platform service agents will help.

The suppliers are showing their full business name, products, address, phone numbers etc. Visitors can reach the suppliers by online messengers (download from the website), or phone call.

The website covers almost all the industrial products you would need from raw materials to complex finished products.

One stop inquiring, and transaction platform.

2. cn.china.cn

It is more accurate to describe this website as a business directory with product showrooms. Chinese suppliers are listing their products on this website, with contact phones as major channel to communicate offline. It also provides options for visitors to contact the suppliers via QQ and Wechate which are also very common mobile messengers in China.

3. www.hc360.com

This website is also similar to the above one, but simpler. It offers visitors to leave online messages via the webpage, and the messages will then transfered to the listed supplier. If you have included your contact information, they would be able to reach you.

There are also many other platforms, but those websites are either not user friendly (full of redundant, repeated products and information) or covering only a small area of a special field (such as electronics, textiles, minerals etc.)

If you want to source any products or suppliers yet can’t read Chinese or visit the websites, I am ready and happy to serve, to help you quickly start growing your business.