ASTM B280 Level Wound Coil Copper TubeCopper TubeMade To ASTM B280 for Air Conditioning and RefrigerationLevel Wound Coil
MaterialsBundy Tube – Bundy Welded Steel Tube China Sourcing Pro 2019-12-03 0
MaterialsStudy of Cold Rolling TC4 Titanium Alloy Titanium Tube China Sourcing Pro 2021-08-12 0There are certain fluctuations in the anisotropy of the mechanical properties in multi-pass rolling
MaterialsMagnesium-nickel & Pure Nickel Capillary Tube for Electron Tube & Cathode Tube: Chengdu Fuli Special Tubing Co., Ltd. China Sourcing Pro 2024-04-02 0Chengdu Fuli Special Tubing Co., Ltd. is an experienced manufacturer of mangnesium-nickel and pure nickel materials for electron tubes and cathode tubes. Nickel capillary tubes […]