Local Cargo Inspection Service Independent Supplier Investigation Service in China

For the buyers from the globe, dealing with Chinese suppliers or manufacturers is much more secure than those from countries like India, South East Asia, Africa etc.

Still many buyers prefer to fly to China and visit the supplier/manufacturer before their first transaction. Sometime they also need to inspect the cargo before it was shipped to make sure nothing goes wrong or significent loss would occur.

It is good for buyers to come and inspect onsite by themselves, but sometimes it becomes quite difficult to, due to expensive travel costs, border restrictions, or tight schedules.

Then, it is a perfect option to find a local agent or representative to take care of the inspections for you, saving both time and cost.

Vee, as an independent sourcing agent, is ready to do these jobs for you, supported by his engineering backgroud and years of experience in purchasing and exporting business.

  1. Online investigation of suppliers/factories, about business registration, shareholders, location, main business/products/production capabilities etc.
  2. Onsite visit to check supplier/manufacturer facilities, equipment, production sites, order status, quality management and product inspection etc.
  3. Onsite check of goods quality, quantity, and packaging before cargo delivery.

Vee has the knowledge of most industrial products production process and necessory quality assurance tools to exame how the supplier prepares goods for delivery.

Save your time and cost, find a reliable partner here!