Tubes, Brass, Seamless – Federal Specification WW-T791A -1971

This specification was approved by the Commiss ioner, Federal Supply Service, General Services Administration, for use of all Federal agencies.


1.1 Scope. This specification covers four types of seamless brass tubing.

1.2 Classification. Tubing shall be of the following types and grades (see 6.5).
Type I – Maximum nominal working pressure 100 psi
Type II – Maximum nominal working pressure 200 psi
Type III – Maximum nominal working pressure 300 psi
Type IV – Maximum nominal working pressure 450 psi
Grade A – (83-86 percent copper)
Grade B . (65-68 percent copper)
Grade C – (59-63 percent copper)


2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invi tation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.

Federal Standards :
Fed. Standard No. 123 – Marking for Domestic Shipment (Civ111an Agencies)
Fed. Standard No. 146 – Tolerance for Copper and Copper Base M111 Products
Fed. Standard No. 185 – Continuous Ident1f1cation Marking of Copper and Copper Base Alloy Mi1l Products.
Fed. Test Method Standard No. 151 – Metals; Test Method

(Activities outside the Federal Gove rnment may obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks as outlined under General Information in the Index of Federal Speciflc ations and S tandards and at the prices indicated in the Index. The Index, which includes cumulative monthly supplements as issued, is for sale on a subscription basis by the Super intendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing office, Washington, D. C. 20402.)
(Single copies of this specification and other Federal Specifications required by activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes are available without charge from Business Service Centers at the General Services Administration Regional Offices in Boston, New York, Washington, D. C.,Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Mo., Fort Worth, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle, Washington.)
(Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks and the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards from established distribution points in their agencies. )

Militarv Specification:
MIL-C- 3993 – Copper and Copper-Base Alloy Mill Products; Packaging of.

Military Standard:
MIL-STD- 129 – Marking for Shipment and Storage

(Copies of Military Specifications and Standards required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)

2.2 Other publications.
The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless a specific issue is identified, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards.
E8 Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials.
B 154 Method of Mercurous Nitrate Test for Copper and Copper Alloys.

(Application for copies should be addressed_ to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103.)


3.1 Chemical composition.
The chemical composi tion shall be as specified in table I, as applicable .